MA का नोट्स SEMESTER3
MA का नोट्स SEMESTER3
Unique Geography Notes वेबसाइट पर MA/PG भूगोल का सम्पूर्ण सिलेबस का सरल एवं आसान हिंदी भाषा में भूगोल के विद्वानों द्वारा तैयार नोट्स उपलब्ध है। यह नोट्स विभिन्न विश्वविद्यालयों जैसे-मगध गया, वीर कुँवर सिंह आरा, पाटलिपुत्रा पटना, मुंगेर, पूर्णिया, मौलाना मजहरूल हक, बी० आर० अंबेडकर मुजफ्फरपुर, ललित नारायण मिथिला दरभंगा, नालन्दा खुला (Open), जयप्रकाश छपरा, तिलका माँझी भागलपुर, विनोवा भावे हजारीबाग, सिद्धू कान्हू दुमका, बी० एन० मंडल, राँची, BHU, JNU, ALLAHABAD, लखनऊ, गोरखपुर इत्यादि सभी विश्वविद्यालय के लिए U.G.C. के नवीनतम पाठ्यक्रम पर आधारित सैद्धांतिक परीक्षाओं के लिए काफी उपयोगी है।
Syllabus के साथ नोट्स भी एक बार जरुर पढ़ें
Quantitative Techniques and Research Methodology
- Quantitative Methods in Geography: Merits and limitations, Research types and Methodology,
- Research Problems and Research Design,
- Review of Literature Data collection and classification,
- Questionnaire and Schedules,
- Sampling Types – Random, Stratified and Purposive.
- Hypothesis: Concept and Types,
- Procedure for Hypothesis Testing,
- Chi-Square Test,
- Student’s ‘T’ Test
- Correlation Coefficient Techniques-Pearson and Spearman,
- Simple Linear Regression Analysis,
- Analysis of Variance (ANOVA),
- Multivariate Analysis-Importance and its Application
- Models and Analogue,
- Types of Model,
- Gravity Potential Model,
- Population Potential Model
Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System
- Meaning and Definition of Remote Sensing,
- Historical Development of Satellite,
- Significance and Utility of Remote Sensing in Geography.
- Remote Sensing Platforms,
- Geo-Stationary and Sun-Synchronous Satellites,
- IRS and
- QUICK-BIRD Series.
- Sensors and Resolution,
- Interpretation of Aerial Photographs and Satellite Imagery.
- Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
- Concept and Principles of GIS,
- Elements of GIS,
- Nature and Source of Data,
- Projection and
- Georeferencing;
- Digital cartography,
- Raster Vs. Vector Data structure,
- G.P.S.- Concept and Applications,
- Application of Remote Sensing and GIS: Land Information System, Urban Management and Disaster Management.
Human and Social Geography
- Meaning, Definition and Scope of Human Geography
- Approaches to Human Geography,
- Critical Human Geography
- Growth, Distribution and Density of World’s Population
- Migration: Causes and Consequences
- Human Settlement: Types and Patterns of Rural Settlements.
- Processes and Pattern of Urbanization in the World;
- Urbanization and Related problems;
- Age and Sex Composition of the World Population
- Occupational Structure of the World Population;
- Meaning and Scope of Social Geography
- Cultural Evolution of Man
- Major Human Races in the World- Negroid, Mongoloid, Caucasoid
- Major World Religions: Their Origin, Diffusion and Spatial Distribution.
- Major World Languages: Their Origin, Diffusion and Spatial Distribution.
- Concept of Social Justice and Social Well-being.
- Social Structure, Process and Social Pattern.
- Components of Quality of Life and its Spatial Pattern
- Globalization and Social Transformation.
- Recent Changes in Urban and Rural Social Life in India.
- Panchayati Raj Institution and Social Transformation in India.
- Social Ecology and Social Media in India
Land use and Agriculture Geography
- Meaning and Scope of Landuse and Agricultural Geography
- Model of Landuse: Von Thunen, Jonassan Major Land Reforms in India
- History of Landuse survey
- Landuse classification: U. K. and India;
- Landuse pattern in India;
- Land capability classification Planning of Landuse in India;
- Fundamental concept of Agriculture Geography
- History of Agriculture Geography;
- Factors influencing Agricultural Pattern;
- Agricultural Systems of the world;
- Concept and Techniques of delimitation of agricultural regions;
- Measurement of Agricultural productivity and efficiency;
- Crop-combination and diversification;
- Cropping pattern in India;
- New Agricultural Technology;
- Green Revolution and White Revolution in India
- Agro-climatic regions of India;
- Agricultural problems and policies;
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